
Tomorrow we start again
Tomorrow came and went
I’m indestructible
Finding the sun in the gloom!

Finding the sun in the gloom!

Happy 2019! I have never been one to make New Years resolutions but earlier this month, as I looked back at the challenges that I faced last year, I decided that 2019 will be all about change! I realized that I was holding myself back by not going after my heart and soul’s desires. In this moment, I discovered that I was letting fear prevent me from moving ahead. I let it get into my head and feed into those negative limiting beliefs. Every once in awhile the universe reminds me of this!


Last evening, while out grocery shopping, a young clerk was conversing with the woman in front of me. As I approached the counter, she stated that it was obvious that he loved his job. To which he replied, along the lines of something like this, “If you don’t love your job, you’re not doing it right!” I was impressed by the wisdom of this young lad!

Earlier this month, I started to take the appropriate steps to follow my passions. I am currently taking several courses to help motivate me and push myself towards those goals. We are already one month into the year and I have lots of ideas formulating. I am excited and looking forward to share this as it all develops!

In the last few weeks, I have watched how all these opportunities have started to unfold and have been amazed by how just becoming open to new ideas that they will start to appear. I should not be surprised by this, as I’ve understood for some time now how quickly life comes into alignment when you open up to it. However, sometimes we all need a little reminder!

Lets get out of the past and into 2019! Share what changes you’d like to see in your life!

Last Parade

This time of year is really difficult for me for a number of reasons and I have been having a hard time trying to stay positive. I have found myself on more than one occasion struggling to get out of bed. I think it’s partly due to my body still wanting to go into hibernation mode, a habit I got into while living through harsh Winnipeg winters. The island has been hit with multiple wind and rain storms as of late, which has prevented me from getting out on a hike in the times I needed to most. My yoga practice has been a saving grace in my solitude on these gloomy rainy days. My meditation practice has grown substantially as a result of needing that extra nudge to help me make it through another day. I am grateful to my friends that continue to keep my sense of humour alive and for all the inspiring conversations we’ve shared to countdown the days until the new year.

However, despite it all, I was able to cross something off my bucket list! Although, due to a storm that cancelled all ferry sailings and float plane flights off the island I almost didn’t make it over to Vancouver. While waiting almost 6 hours to find out if the last possible sailing would leave the island to make it to the event in time, I have to admit that I started to lose all hope that it would happen. My friend that I was travelling with, kept my spirits up with the belief that we would make it. We were advised about 40 minutes before the sailing that it was a go. We made it in time to check into our hotel and even have dinner before we got to see Conan O’Brien’s stand-up comedy tour. It has been a dream of mine to see him live for over 20 years!

It feels like time to let it go
It feels like time to break or show
It feels like time to cut your brakes
Shut your mouth, do something, anything
— Matthew Good

Hearts Of Habit


I’m sure it’s due to lack of daily sunshine and warm weather, but I find it so incredibly difficult to get motivated around this time of year. Though we’ve still had lots of sun, I always go into hibernation mode, especially on the rainy gloomy days like this weekend. The only way to convince myself out of bed is with the thought of food. It has to be something I don’t normally have, so off to the bakery I go! As soon as I get back, I’m off to the craft fairs for a few gifts and bought more baking! Then, so tired of running around all day, I have some of all that baking for dinner. I woke up in the middle of the night with an upset tummy then end up sleeping in and missing my morning plans!

I crawl out of bed after remembering all the baked goods in my kitchen, eat my “breakfast|” and sit down to finally write. I find an album, usually one I rarely listen to, but I’m so obsessed with this band that I discovered a few months ago, that I immediately put on my favourite one. I write for a bit and then head off for a hiking adventure in the rain. It’s these dreary days, that I find it the hardest to motivate myself but I know the little things that I need to do to get going. The fresh air and scenery make all the difference in the world.

There are few things that inspire me to write and I’m surrounded by a lot of amazing people, who often inspire more for me. I’m reminded of this, “Do what you love and the rest will follow!” Another month gone and just about another year! I feel that something new is coming around the corner and I’m looking forward to find out what that is!


You know better baby
Then go it alone
— Black Pistol Fire

Last Ride


After a busy summer, everything has slowed down and I’m feeling my natural rhythm again. This past weekend I went on a last minute road trip to Tofino, where I’ve only ever been to in the spring or summer. I was nervous just before I left as I had stepped out on my patio to see what it was like outside and discovered it was completely foggy. However, as I started off up the highway, it became blue skies and sun all the way. What a gorgeous drive with all the fall colours! It actually felt warmer there this weekend then when I went for my birthday in May.

Spent an afternoon in a meditative walk on Long Beach watching the dogs and surfers. Enjoyed the sunshine, then stopped off for tacos again before heading home. It’s always been one of my favourite places to go and was just what I needed! Thank you to all who made this happen! I’m so grateful for all the amazing people in my life!

Last night, in search of some pictures of an event, I took a stroll down memory lane to over 20 years ago. All I have are pictures of us laughing! I guess there were some serious shots, but they probably ended with smiles! They say laughter is the best medicine and I’ve always wholeheartedly believed in this!

I trust that the universe will take care of any negativity that tries to get to me and I believe in a positive outcome. I got the best news a few weeks ago, after several months of patiently waiting for Karma to do her thing! I knew it was only a matter of time. I chose to meditate on the situation and let the universe handle it for me.

Blackhole, she’s so ornery
God speed, you best be on your way
— Black Pistol Fire

Watch It Burn


In search of the sun through the clouds and rain. It has been an incredibly busy summer. Although now it feels like we jumped from summer straight into winter. We’ve seen a lot of rain, which we desperately needed. It’s been a little more difficult to get motivated. There’s one special place, where I can always find the sunshine. It’s always been one of my favourite spots. This may be a picture of my first time there, over 10 years ago!

Expecting everything to slow down for the next few months, it’s slowed down only a little and I’ve had to take some time to rejuvenate.

However, my fall Yoga classes are now in full swing! This is the time of year, where the kids go back to school and the adults get back to a regular Yoga practice. This month I celebrate 10 years as a Yoga Teacher! It’s hard to believe how much my life has changed since then. So many experiences I may have never had if I hadn’t made the decision to share my love of Yoga with others. Thanks to all who have shared the experience with me over these last 10 years!

Decided to head out for a hike at my favourite spot, while the rain had paused. It started raining as I headed out for the drive. Once I got there, I actually enjoyed some sun, before getting caught in the downpour on the hike back to the lot. Still worth it!

I started this blog with notebook in hand a week and a half ago, went back to that same spot yesterday to finish this, however I forgot my notebook of course. It would have been soaked anyway, since my backpack and myself were drenched by the time I got back.

It appears as though it could rain at any moment, better get out there again before it does!

Runnin’ with the wolves
Howlin’ at the moon
Don’t mean nothin’ if I ain’t got you!
— Black Pistol Fire

Road Trippin'


Excited about a new area to explore, I head north up the island for a short day hike. I've spent a lot of time south of  the city in July, so naturally August should be spent the other way. As I'm getting close, I see a number of cars parked along the road but still looking for the parking lot or sign to confirm I'm at the right spot. As I drive by, I realize there isn't one, I'm unable to park on my side of the road and nowhere to pull in or turn around, I continue on looking for a side street.  Further up the road, there is still nowhere to turn around so I keep going until I find a small parking lot at another trail entrance. There's one parking spot left just for me, so it seems like it's meant to be.  I park and head onto the trail.

It wasn't where I was actually headed, but seeing as there were less cars, it felt like it would be a nice quiet spot to explore.  I then came upon the most amazing river spots, one by one, along the trail.  I spent some time, at various points, taking pictures and already looking forward to coming back.


After spending the afternoon, I head back to the parking lot and notice on my way back that there were actually two trail heads and the one I didn't take lead to where I had planned to go originally. I had no idea the trails connected and unfortunately the sign was only visible coming back from the other trail.  I didn't have time to explore the other trail.  I planned to come back again and spend the entire day there.


Its been a dry summer with wildfires across the island and province, which seems to be a yearly occurrence now. Since I was a kid, summers here were much cooler and was more common to see a lot of rain.  

It's been too hot & too smokey for any outdoor activities the last couple of weeks, so I've stayed close to home. This weekend we finally get some much needed rain,  I've never been more excited to see the rain before! Although the smoke has cleared here, there are still many fires burning. We're not expecting any more rain for another week but hopefully the rest of the province will get a good downpour!  

Let’s go get lost, let’s go get lost

Lost Cause

Neck Point

Neck Point

It's not that often that I write these in a notebook but today is one of those days! I read an email this morning from a friend who wished me a happy anniversary. It took me a moment to figure out what anniversary I had missed seeing as I don't have one of any significance.  Then I realize it's mid-July. I officially started my Yoga business 9 years ago!  Although I miss the old home studio, I also enjoy driving to different locations around town, there's always so much to see on the road.  I started practicing 18 years ago.  It's pretty incredible how my life has changed since then.  They say, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." That was definitely the case for me.  


I am reminded of all the amazing people I've had and have in my life.  The last couple of weeks have been a little more challenging,  Then today I'm inspired by so many different people.  I sit to write at Neck Point in the sun watching the sailboats go by and waves crashing into the rocks I'm on.  It's incredibly windy so I'm using my belly to keep the page from flipping over.  I've found the perfect seat in a rock with back support and my backpack for comfort, though I squished my granola bar, I forgot was inside.  It comes equipped with a spot so my water bottle isn't able to roll away into the ocean.  The one feature I couldn't find in my last rock spot.  I've already kicked one off a cliff by accident into the river.  

At the end of my class this morning I got to share the story of how yoga started my journey to where I am today.  Seems like a good way to celebrate an anniversary.  

Surf Lodge Sunset 

Surf Lodge Sunset 

After class I threw some ingredients into the crock pot so dinner will be ready once I get home.  I have more time to spend at the park, so now to continue on my hike before I head to the farmer's market.  

As it comes time to share this with you, I thought I had lost my whole blog when I couldn't find it saved on my site, only to remember it was written in my notebook, sitting right beside me as a reminder for the last five days.  I thought these were supposed to be the lazy days of summer, it's rare to just have a moment these days.    

Lost cause, but they know we can’t stop the fight
— Black Pistol Fire

Float On



Summer BBQs, river days, farmer's markets, music, festivals and more!  I love this time of year! I feel like I've been on the go for weeks now, no surprise, as the end of June approaches. It seems as though any moment I've come home was just to turn around and walk out the door again several minutes later. However, I finally planted my patio garden! 

Nanaimo Waterfront

Nanaimo Waterfront

I started and ended my long week forgetting important things, though I've had commitments every day, more than usual. so I'm just happy that I actually made it to all of them! I have another busy week ahead until I get into my summer schedule.  And an exciting  opportunity coming up! 



Already we’ll all float on
Now don’t you worry, we’ll all float on alright!

— Modest Mouse

You've been there while you're dreaming!

Linley Valley, Nanaimo

Linley Valley, Nanaimo

My Yoga Hike classes are in full swing again.  I love teaching these classes! Each week we meet at a different park, hiking the trails, stopping at various points along the way for some Yoga and to take in the gorgeous surroundings. It's a great way to explore the many amazing parks and trails in Nanaimo, while experiencing Yoga in the great outdoors.  


Long Beach, Tofino

Long Beach, Tofino

A couple weeks ago, I returned from a trip exploring some of my favourite places and hikes around the island including Tofino! I think this was my 2nd trip out there with beautiful weather, usually when I go, it's in the rainy season. The area is known for storm watching but I was looking to spend time on the beach and hiking the trails. It was perfect weather and not overly busy since it was a week before the long weekend.


Christie Falls, Ladysmith

Christie Falls, Ladysmith

The long weekend was spent exploring Christie Falls. What a beautiful place to be!  It was about 3 hours round trip and we spent about 30 minutes taking it all in including the cool mist which was much appreciated after our hike in. The following morning, we were off to the Cedar Farmer's Market to grab some veggies for the week. 


Habit Over Heart

In about a week, I will be celebrating 4 years in Nanaimo! I spent some time today at one of my favourite spots, over looking harbour city, where I could breathe it all in and meditate.  I just absolutely love being surrounded by such gorgeous views!  The sun, the water, the trees, the mountains. I kept admiring the view from where I set up to write for the afternoon.  It's been the warmest day of the year so far! We've all been waiting for spring for far too long and I'm hoping this means she's here to stay.  

I watched the float plans and the ferry, running back and forth between Vancouver and Gabriola, I started to think about all the times off and on over the years (since I was kid) that I got to spend time or live on the beautiful west coast.  I've always felt most at home here.  I feel like the ocean is what makes me feel connected.  I've always felt that way, I could sit for hours watching the waves crashing up against the rocks or walk along them exploring all the different look out points along the way.    

At times I wonder if I took a wrong turn somewhere in life but on days like today, it's clear I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Jack Point Park

Jack Point Park

Everything gets altered over time, nothing lasts for very long, everything gets altered over time, whether you want it to or not.
— Novillero

Breathe In Breathe Out

A rush this morning to get from one appointment to the next, a moment to breathe before a brunch date, followed by a hike around Colliery Dam, the perfect prerequisite for the day. 

Hoping the sun would make an appearance, it finally does as soon as I get home. I should be on the patio in the sun but my sunglasses are downstairs.  Instead I am listening to 90s rock and realizing how long ago that was.  Where did the time go?! I love how music can just take you back to a certain time in your life.  

There's nothing better than hiking around the island, breathing in the crisp air, getting lost on the trails, saying hello to the puppies, sharing, laughing and enjoying the beauty of the scenery around us.   Spring has sprung! Join me this Sunday April 1st @ 930am for our first Yoga Hike of 2018! Register through Nanaimo's Activity Guide.   Each week we will take a gentle hike through Nanaimo's various parks, finding a few spots along the way for some Yoga.  No experience necessary, just a love of the outdoors required! 

I love this time of year, there seems to be many more reasons to be outside and any excuse to getting as much sun as possible.  I feel energized by the fresh air, vitamin D and warmth!  Anything to keep me moving, after getting through a long winter! I seem to crave that time to get away and get out of my head.  Now that it's still light out til 8, there's really no reason I couldn't be outside every night.  So far I've been out for the past two days, I think I will plan to continue this pattern for the rest of the week.  Guaranteed I will be out on the weekend, so just need to make sure the next two days happen.  

I look forward to starting my patio garden again! Last year was pretty successful considering in the past I've killed every plant I've ever had but one.  I can't wait to be eating fresh veggies again and the farmer's markets will be starting soon too!  Just a few more reasons to be outside.

What has you excited for spring?!  

If I don't see you out on the trails, I'll be at the studio Monday evenings and Saturday mornings!





Englishman River Falls

Englishman River Falls

Qualicum Beach 

Qualicum Beach 


I sat down to write this afternoon and just as it finally all came together and I was writing the last sentence, I lost everything due to an unexpected glitch.  Instead of trying to remember what I wrote I'm just going to keep writing.

A month ago, we had an incredible comedy show at The Roxy with an amazing line up and our headliner who flew in from LA!  After days of rainstorms, 100km/hr winds, 30 foot waves in Tofino, an Earthquake in Alaska, Tsunami warnings across the island, cancelled ferry sailings, power outages on Gabriola all leading up to several hours before the show, it all died down throughout the evening and then the storm started up again 30 minutes of us all getting back to Nanaimo. It was a stressful few days but it turned into a great night!  

About 8 years ago, I discovered EFT, (also known as tapping), at a time in my life when my whole world got flipped upside down. I should have been using it to help with the stress of all the million things that could have prevented the show from happening, but instead I went into dark mode. I've learned how to avoid that place, but honestly the weather had got to me at that point, plus just this time of year, it seemed like the lack of sunshine prevented me from seeing the best outcome.  I was running on empty, typical for me during the winter months, and I almost broke. Then I got a phone call from one comic and some texts from a couple of the others and I realized I had quickly gone into this negative state, they reminded me to laugh and I remembered that sometimes all you need is a smile or a good laugh to turn your day around. Which is why I love comedy so much!   

Tapping has been used to improve your finances, health, emotions and so much more.  For the next couple of weeks, I'll be checking out The 10th Annual World Tapping Summit online at:

If you suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, pain, illness or anything for that matter, check out the schedule to see what resonates with you and tune into some of the interviews. 

Normally I would have been really upset that I lost my whole blog post before I could share it, luckily I had tapped prior to writing, in all honesty because once again I had no idea what to write about. 

Happy Tapping!

Gabriola, Island

Gabriola, Island

She is the trick of my trade. She is the thing that can’t be made. She is gold and nothing less. And she is fearless.

Happy 2018!

Prior to the holidays, I had received some concerning health news and I was sent to the hospital for additional tests. It was a stressful week until I finally received the call from my Dr's office that all the results came back normal.  In the meantime, I tried to distract myself from thinking about the situation, which proved to be very difficult.  The only thing on my to-do-list for the day after my follow up appointment was to write my monthly newsletter.  It wasn't the best time for me to sit down and write a blog, but hours later I was finally able to get it done. Once it was completed, I then received the call that everything was normal.  My apologies to those I had worried...thank you for the texts and emails of concern! 

Now on to the the exciting news I mentioned last month! Most people in my life are well aware of my love for anything comedy related, especially Stand-Up.  It's been a tradition of mine to celebrate my birthday with friends at Rumor's Comedy Club in Winnipeg since 2001.  About two and a half years ago, I found myself at a comedy show at The Corner Lounge in Nanaimo, a year ago I had an idea to bring comedy to The Roxy on Gabriola, a month ago I shared the idea and this month it is happening!  Join us January 23rd @ 7pm for "A Night At The Roxy" on Gabriola Island, with comedians Matt Billon & Peter Hudson!  

Happy New Year! 

"A Night At The Roxy"

"A Night At The Roxy"

Gabriola, Island

Gabriola, Island


Over the past 6 years, I've been told by numerous people, on a number of occasions, that I have manifested something new into my life.  Until each of those individuals had mentioned it, I had not looked at it as a manifestation, but after thinking about it more, I realized that it was.

Although none of these were situations where I was consciously aware or even trying to manifest a change, I was only thinking of situations with a positive outlook.  Maybe on some level, I was trying more than I even recognized, but in the end, I know it was the positive vibes that I put out that made the difference.

About a year ago, I had an idea that I never shared with anyone, simply because the timing wasn't right. I was reminded of the idea several weeks back and then just so happened to hear from one of the people I envisioned involved with said idea and decided to mention it. I almost didn't say anything at all, but intuitively thought I should just throw it out there!  The worst that could happen would be that the timing still wasn't right but maybe this could become a future at some point way down the road project.  Turns out the timing now couldn't have been more perfect. More news to follow in the New Year!

This week I received some other news and found myself in a position where I really needed to remind myself of the power of positive thoughts and put my good vibes to work.

Today especially has been quite the internal struggle to keep my thoughts positive. To distract myself, I have spent the day reminiscing about my other positive outcome moments and writing this has been therapeutic. Thank you for reading!

When I sat down to write today, as usual I had no idea what my topic was going to be. Part of my process is to listen to music. This song has been on my mind a lot lately so for the majority of the time, it's been playing on repeat as I meditated and did some EFT tapping.  The words for my blog soon followed and this line has multiple meanings for me now.  


A Windy Winnipeg day!

A Windy Winnipeg day!

Happy Holidays! I wish you all a happy, harmonious and healthy New Year!

Happy Holidays! I wish you all a happy, harmonious and healthy New Year!

And it’s coming closer.
— Kings Of Leon

My Favourite Things

Once again another month has flown by and now I'm trying to find the time to get to this blog.

As I write this, I am currently sitting in the ferry line up waiting to head over to Gabriola Island for quite the event at The Roxy. My uncle is performing "A Broadway Tribute" full of songs and stories from his childhood growing up on Toronto Street in Winnipeg. I spent a lot of time in that same house with my grandparents as a kid.  It was always full of cats & dogs and peanut butter & honey toast. I spent my summers there, playing outside with the kids of Toronto Street. Although, unlike my uncle, I wasn't performing at Rainbow Stage, but that is where I learned to play the piano, as my grandmother was a piano teacher.  A talent, I wish I had kept up. It was different growing up as there was always a piano around so I would sit and play all the time.  

After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather sold that house and purchased one on Gabriola, where my uncle had already moved to.  I briefly lived on the island when I was a teenager and for several months, when I moved out west twice as an adult. It has always felt like my home away from home away from home.  There is a certain kind of magic there.  It is also the place where I became a Yoga Teacher, just over 9 years ago! 

As the ferry is approaching Gabriola, I feel a sense of calm and peace. There's just something about being surrounded by the water that makes me feel so connected.  After an unexpected lunch with friends, we all headed to the show. The venue was packed, the show was fantastic and it was wonderful to see my uncle in his element. 

Toronto StreetWinnipeg

Toronto Street


Mr & Mrs Christie

Mr & Mrs Christie

Little LL

Little LL

Ahead By A Century

I can't believe that October is over already! So that means Spring is only 5 months away!

I have been wanting to get back into going to Hot Yoga classes for awhile, but kept putting this off.  I found out a couple weeks ago that the studio that I was a member of when I lived here 10 years ago (and where I decided to become a Yoga Teacher), was having a tribute class for Gord Downie. That prompted me to register for the class immediately and found out they were offering a special for unlimited classes for a month, so I registered for that too. I forgot how much I love Hot Yoga and since it's been several years since I've even been in a Hot studio, I was concerned I might not be able to handle the heat but I fell in love with it all over again. It's the perfect time of year to get back into it. I'm on day 4 now, I've been going every evening and sleeping very well afterwards. 

My second class that I attended was The Tragically Hip class, our instructor had a beautiful play list of songs blasting through the studio. We were encouraged to sing along. It wasn't until our final relaxation, when we were all in Savasana that everyone joined in to sing "Ahead By A Century".  I'm getting chills just thinking about it & now as I write this another Hip song, "Bobcaygeon" just so happens to come on the radio, which was another song that was played that night. It was a great way to honour Gord and probably the only class I ever attended where everyone stayed in the studio for the entire Savasana! It was a wonderful experience to share with other Yogis & Hip fans! 

Thank you Gord! Your music and lyrics will always be in our hearts! 

The other big change for me is that for the past four months, I cut out meat & dairy. This is not something that I ever thought I would or could do, but for health reasons I decided to try it out. I did have a cheat day, which turned into a cheat weekend, when I was invited to a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and then given leftovers to take home. Since Turkey dinner is my favourite meal it was hard to say no!

I was surprised at how easily I was able to stop eating meat & dairy, for the most part I wasn't even craving anything...until Thanksgiving was approaching!  I originally thought  I would continue through the summer only to see how I felt, but decided to keep it up.  I don't know if this is a forever thing, but I have been enjoying trying different recipes. It's much harder to shop for groceries, when you can't eat the majority of food you are used to eating! One of my new favourite recipes is this one:

I went to make it the other day and realized I was out of Quinoa so I made it with wild rice instead. So yum! 


Moorecroft Regional ParkNanoose Bay

Moorecroft Regional Park

Nanoose Bay

First thing we’d climb a tree
And maybe then we’d talk
Or sit silently
And listen to our thoughts
With illusions of someday
Cast in a golden light
No dress rehearsal
This is our life 

— The Tragically Hip


As it always goes, summer flew by and fall is officially here!  My long pants, socks, boots and sweaters are out already.  How quickly we went from a hot summer to the cool fall weather.  I'm still taking advantage of all the farmer's markets before they are done for the season.  I picked up a lot of fresh veggies and will be trying out some new recipes this week. I just made a delicious risotto the other night that I got at the market as well. 

As soon as the weather changes, I find my energy levels drop, I've always been this way, yet always assumed it was my body preparing for the long cold winter ahead. It's already become harder to wake up without the beautiful sunrise peering into my bedroom.  I miss my sunrise Yoga mornings on my patio surrounded by my garden, but am looking forward to candlelit Yoga with my new essential oil diffuser!   

I am also looking forward to the time change only because then the clock in my car will be correct again...until spring anyway. And not due to being too lazy to change it, but as it seems to have a mind of it's own, as it will only change when it wants to and this year I gave up trying way sooner than usual.  

I have another new group of ladies joining me for my weekly Yoga Hikes!  We have yet to be rained on in the past two years, though last week it started to rain after we made it back to our cars in the parking lot.  What perfect timing! 

And Matthew Good has a new album coming out this fall! The new single is called "Decades" and I realized right now that I've been a fan of his for exactly two decades this year! 

Maybe that’s the way it goes, maybe that’s the sound of something, breaking up against your walls, decades and the sound of something.
— Matthew Good

Out Of The Beehive

It's hard to believe that summer is almost over!  I spent my time hanging out at various secret river spots, hiked to a number of water falls, went camping, paddle-boarding, grew veggies on my patio garden and bought more at the farmer's markets, early mornings, late nights, new scenery, usual hang outs, summer has always been my favourite time of the year!  We officially have less then a month left and I will continue to enjoy every moment of it!  

I was invited to teach Backyard Yoga at a friend's place throughout the summer in her beautiful yard.


Triple Falls

Triple Falls

Ammonite Falls

Ammonite Falls

Out of the beehive, fingertips tongue-tied, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, what’s on your insides? 
—  Royal Canoe

Living A Lie

After looking forward to beautiful weather filled with my favourite summer activities, this month so far has been an emotional roller coaster. I received some unexpected news, that has left me completely shocked and in a state of warped reality. Nothing feels real anymore. It has felt like I've been stuck in a bad dream, unable to wake up, going about my daily routines in this weird dream-like state. In the blink of an eye, everything has changed. 

I realized many years ago that my life, for as long as I can remember, has always gone through these two year cycles. Where suddenly a major event occurs and my life goes in a completely different direction.  After all this time, I've grown accustomed to this and although the initial shock can still hit me like a ton of bricks, I've learned, especially in these last 10 years, how to quickly adapt to the changes and what I need to do for myself to get through it.  This month marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of the next. I wonder what 2019 has in store for me!

Since I've been waking up with the birds, I started a Sunrise Yoga practice on my patio.  It has become my peaceful place of solitude, surrounded by my (first) garden, where I focus on breathing deeply and healing from within.  I've been meditating on all my feelings, tapping thru my emotions, while putting the spotlight on my passions and uncovering more of my purpose.

I am grateful to have so many amazing modalities in my tool box to get me through these times. I have incorporated Reiki and EFT (tapping) techniques in my daily Yoga practice, helping each day get a little bit easier.  About 5 years ago, I created a Tapping meditation, combining some of the Reiki principles and shared this with my clients. It feels like a good time to share it again.  There is no wrong way to tap. I prefer to alternate sides but you can choose one side to tap on or tap on both sides at once and you can tap for as long as you like with two or three fingers.  I'd recommend going through the below tapping script for at least several rounds. Starting off with 3 deep breaths and once you have completed your last round, take another deep breath and see how you feel.  

Here is a diagram of the tapping meridian points: 


Eyebrow point: Just for today, I let go of all worries.

Side of eye:  Just for today, I let go of all fear.

Under eye:  Just for today, I let go of all anger. 

Under nose:  Just for today, I show compassion to myself and others.

Chin:  Just for today, I live and love honestly.

Collarbone:  Just for today, I am thankful for my friends and family.

Under arm: Just for today, I am grateful for my many gifts and blessings.

Top of head:  Just for today, I let go of all tension in my body.

Hope you enjoy it! Would love to hear from you if you give it a try!  

I still feel like I am stuck in a dream but I know that will fade too. 

"I'm living a lie, it's getting harder to tell, I've tried and I've tried to wake up" - Royal Canoe


Sunset Hike 

Sunset Hike 

I Am Collapsing So Slowly

Last weekend, shortly after I woke up, I got a knot in between my shoulder blades that was so uncomfortable I had a 2 hour Yoga practice mainly focusing on my upper back and shoulders trying to work it out.  Then I watched hours of videos on different exercises to release the pain, trying every single one I could find. It was easing up a little bit and by the next day after doing all the exercises again, it finally disappeared. I've been known to get a knot there before or a kink in my neck that lasts for days but this time I was determined to get rid of it as quickly as I could and I actually surprised myself on how fast as was able to release it.  

However, by the end of that first day, I started getting intense shooting pains in my pelvis.  This immediately alarmed me as I have had several conversations about my old back injury with a friend recently, who is currently suffering from back pain. We were discussing how debilitating it is and the different forms of treatments we've both tried. I was happy to report that I've had several years of zero back pain after finding a miracle Massage Therapist.  Then a couple days after this particular conversation, these shooting pains began. The pain wasn't located in the same spot as my injury but pretty close and from what I can remember I don't recall having these types of shooting pains, so it was worrisome. 

They continued throughout the next day and by the following morning they had stopped.  Only to return briefly that evening and the following evening.  The next day I woke up and although the shooting pains seemed to have ceased, I was quite stiff and sitting aggravated the area. I took it easy for those days, being careful not to cause any more issues and then when I woke up the next morning, I could barely walk. At that point, the panic started to creep in as I remembered how for at least two years, I couldn't sit without excruciating back pain. It was a long road to recovery and I thought it was all over.  

Since that day, on a hunch, instead of sleeping in my bed, I moved to the futon which is much softer. I woke up the next day, still a little bit stiff but I could actually walk without much pain or limping like the previous day.  This was an indicator that it's time for a new bed.

Although I was feeling much better, this weekend I decided to do some tapping on the pain. This is known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).  I pulled out my book, "The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief" by Nick Ortner and started doing some of the tapping exercises. Tapping is similar to acupressure, but instead of putting pressure on select points on your head, face and torso, you are tapping on the spots, while describing the pain, then saying or asking whatever comes to mind.  

The idea is that you want to call the pain out, by describing it as much as you can.  I started by focusing on what I had been feeling and where.  I wrote some of these words down and then rated the pain from 1-10, with 10 being the worst.  That day I was feeling it was at about a 6 on the pain scale.  Then as I tapped on the various points, I described the pain and where it was located.  I continued to do this for several rounds.

"This back pain. This shooting back pain. This dull shooting back pain. This dull shooting back pain in my SI joint. This dull shooting back pain in my SI joint on the right side of my pelvis."

As I have learned some time ago, any physical pain we feel, is our body's way of telling us that something is wrong.  Normally if an accident occurs, we know why and how the pain came about. It's in those moments where pain just appears out of nowhere that we need to listen to our bodies and figure out what it is trying to tell us.  So I started to speak to the pain, "I am here. I am listening to you. What do you need to tell me?"

I then asked and said whatever popped into my mind and noticed the pain started moving around. So I commented on that. The pain continued to move, from the right to left side, then to my left thigh, then to my left knee.  Throughout all this tapping, I kept thanking the pain for letting me know that something was wrong and that I was a now aware that I needed to make some changes (ie a new bed!) and continued to show my appreciation for being notified by the pain I was feeling. Once the pain moved to my knee, I thanked it for moving through my body, I stretched my legs out and asked it to move through my leg and out of my body.  It lingered a little longer then popped back over to my right pelvis, before settling into my left knee again and finally leaving.

This whole process maybe took 10-15 minutes.  I just talked and tapped for the entire time, completing the session with several deep breaths. Afterwards, I wrote in my new tapping journal, some of the words that I was saying as I tapped and rated the pain again which had decreased significantly.   

I first became aware of EFT about 6 years ago, in the midst of my brutal back injury.  What's amazing about this technique is that it can be used to help with anything such as stress, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, fear, relationships and even finances! 

This is a very vague description of the process of tapping but over the years I've done a lot of research and practice with it.  I even developed a Tapping Workshop which I have done with many friends and clients. It is a very powerful technique and although there can be some immediate results, it can also take daily practice for quite some time, especially if you are working on pain that is related to some deeply stored trauma in the body.  

I know that different things come into our lives for different reasons.  I got into Yoga to help me deal with the physical pain from two motor vehicle accidents 18 years ago! I became a Yoga Teacher as I knew how much Yoga had helped me with my pain.  I then became a Reiki Master, wanting to learn more ways in which I could heal my body and others and then discovered EFT, just another modality to help deal with pain and not to mention just about everything else!  This back experience feels like a reminder of all the techniques I have learned over the years on how to heal myself and my passion for helping others!   

Thetis Lake

Thetis Lake

Englishman River Falls

Englishman River Falls

I am collapsing so slowly, you’ll never see me falling.
— Royal Canoe