
The 'Self-Care For Soulopreneurs' Series starts this week!

I cannot believe there is only 2 months left of the year! So much has happened over this past year, lots of changes, some ups and downs but overall it has been an incredible time. I am looking forward to what's to come next.

The final sessions of my online classes for 2021 start this week!

Relax & Renew Yoga Tuesdays 6pm PT/8pm CT Nov 2-Dec 21
HIIT Fit Flow Thursdays 6pm PT/8pm CT Nov 4-Dec 23
Mindfulness Meditation Sundays 9am PT/11am CT Nov 7-Dec 26

For more information or to register click the CLASS DESCRIPTION LINK below.

I am excited to host my free 3-part 'Self-Care For Soulopreneurs' series again November 2-4th @ 1pm PT/3pm CT. It will be a live virtual workshop in my Facebook group.

The path to growing your heart-centered business is not all filled with roses and butterflies.

You will face obstacles, and you will have lots to learn and change as you grow. But neither does it have to be a tumultuous whirlwind of chaos, overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety, stress-induced headaches and recurring burnouts.

Don’t let anxiety and overwhelm take you away from the joy of creating your own heart-centered business.
Don’t let stress and self-doubt bring you out of alignment as you work towards living your purpose.

Reclaim your calm so you can truly enjoy each minute of your soulopreneur journey.

Join me in a FREE 3-part Online Workshop, designed to teach you 4 quick & simple self-care techniques that you can use to re-center and ground yourself INSTANTLY.

Sign Up Now for the ‘Self Care for Soulopreneurs’ Series.
Nov 2-4th (1pm PT/3pm CT)

If you are not on FB, then you can join me live via Zoom.

There are limited spaces available, so sign up today to reserve your spot. There will be a recording of each live available for a limited time.

I have also started interviewing different guests each week in my FB group, who will share their expertise as an entrepreneur in different industries. This has been a really fun experience! I have made so many connections with other business owners around the globe. This week our guest is a copywriting expert and I have guests booked already throughout November. If you haven't already, join the group below!

To The Sun

Every week the highlight of my day, is when I get on Zoom with my students. It's been amazing connecting with everyone, while sharing our stories. We always have so many great conversations. I've started to share my manifestation stories with you, as what I have been learning and experiencing has been pretty incredible so far! So many people have been asking what I have been doing. I would love to have a small beta group to guide along with me!

If you have something you are dreaming about, let's see what we can manifest together as a collective. Join the waitlist below!


Do Something Different

Last week I mentioned my intention of creating connections. I have always had this love/hate relationship with social media, who am I kidding, mostly hate. But I've been actually enjoying it lately. I have now been connecting with others around the world and it's been pretty amazing! 

Earlier this week, I had a 90+ minute Zoom chat with a former actor/comedian. We shared stories of our pasts and present lives.  I had no idea she used to do standup and she had no idea of my love of comedy! She told me a couple days later that she had been telling her husband all about our great conversation! We couldn't believe all the little synchronicities. I've also been chatting all week with my Yoga teacher friend in the UK and my Hydration coach in Chicago! 

Hydration Coach?! I had never heard of one either, but through my many connections I joined a Hydration challenge. I actually accidentally signed up to 4 different challenges this week. I didn't know they were all going to fall in the same week. So it's been quite the ah...challenge. 

We've all heard how we are supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I primarily only drink water, I've always been a water drinker. I've never been a coffee drinker, only in recent years have I started to drink tea and rarely do I consume pop. Well I discovered some very interesting facts about our water consumption.

We are supposed to drink half of our body weight in ounces of water in a day. And coffee/tea/juice/pop, do not count as those important fluids. In fact, drinking any of those is taking away from your water consumption and dehydrating you. There's so many more tidbits of info I've been sharing with my clients this week, as I've been learning but I'll save the rest for the next newsletter.

I am planning to start a weekly breathwork/meditation session in February. I teach this in my yoga classes, but I want to have a class dedicated just to these practices, so I would like to offer a 30 minute online group Zoom session. I will guide you through the session, so for 30 minutes a week you will have a chance to just sit back, relax, breathe, feel that stress melt away and calm your mind. It's truly amazing how good you feel even just after 5 minutes of mindfulness.

If this is something that interests you, then click the link below. For now, I'm trying to figure out the best day/time that would work for most people. I have included 3 different days/times, but none are set in stone and I can be flexible with the time on those days. Please check all the options that could work for you and I'll be in touch with everyone who is interested and we can finalize the details.

My plan is to start with one class a week and add more based on interest. Once we have a day/time picked out, you will have the option of joining either by paying $8 to drop in when you can or $22 for the month.  I'd really like to start our first session next week! 

I can't stress enough how much these practices have helped me through this past year. I had a very emotional breakdown this week and I immediately had to take myself through one of these practices. After the huge emotional release, I started to feel a bit better, then after dinner I decided to put some music on and had a solo dance party, for about 2 hours, which turned into a yoga flow dance.

That's why these practices go hand in hand with yoga, we really need to move our body to help release the negative vibrations from our system. And boy did I need that after my week!

Much love, 

Lantzville Foothills

Lantzville Foothills

Reassess Your Intentions

I've never been one to really make New Years resolutions but this past NYE, I sat down to document all the challenges and my accomplishments of 2020. This was part of a journaling exercise that my business mentor asked us to do as a way to end the year by celebrating all our wins, no matter how small or big they were. We also had the opportunity to enter to win some awesome prizes by submitting our responses. There were about 11 chances you could have your name entered in the draw, depending on how many activities you had completed in the final quarter of the year.

I waited until the last possible moment to submit my entries before the deadline at midnight, but I did it with about 20 minutes to spare! When I first sat down to do this exercise, I thought I had only completed a few of the tasks and was determined to submit my entries anyway. However, when I actually went through the process, I had discovered I had done ALL of them except one! I was really hoping to win the grand prize, the whole reason I had submitted the entries in the first place! Just finding out how much I had achieved last year, after believing I hadn't done many of them, turned out to be a prize in itself. Well, late last night I happened upon a video my mentor had made earlier in the evening, announcing the winners. To my total surprise, I came in second place! I won a Kindle including a book! I don't know which one yet, but I'm sure it's a book he recommends that is most likely currently on my wish list!

I've got three different books on the go at the moment and awaiting on another to arrive. One of my intentions for the new year is to read more. I used to read books so much as a kid and I've been wanting to get back into that for a long time.

Now getting back to this NYE resolutions thing, I've never been a fan of them, because any time I had made a big one in the past, I quickly gave up and was left feeling disappointed in myself.

I have decided though to start focusing on my intentions...goals, resolutions, aspirations, whatever word resonates with you best. I ended the year with the intention to submit my entries for the prize giveaway and the hope I would win any of the prizes. In doing that whole process, I realized that is how I'm going to spend every NYE going forward, as it felt amazing to reflect back on all the challenges of the year and all the good that came out of it. It was a hard year to see the good but there definitely was a lot to be grateful for.

The nice thing about setting intentions is that you can make them as little or big as you want. I find starting off by setting smaller intentions, they are easier to do and when you do them it just encourages you to set more and work towards those too. AND they are YOUR intentions, you can update them, edit them or reassess them at any time you want! So if something you set for yourself you aren't doing, then simply take a moment to connect with yourself and ask WHY it is you want this. If you aren't connecting with the WHY, you are bound to give up quickly. Why do you want that goal? What does that give you? If it's not resonating anymore then come up with a different one! Remember to connect with your WHY, embrace it and think about how you would feel once you have it.

Also, let me know what intentions you are setting for yourself, no matter how big or small. I'd love to hear them!

Much love,

After journaling about all the challenges of 2020, I safely burned them! This will be my New Years eve ritual going forward. Powerful process!

After journaling about all the challenges of 2020, I safely burned them! This will be my New Years eve ritual going forward. Powerful process!

7 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health!

There's been some misconceptions I've heard over the years about yoga. The number one comment is, "Oh I can't do yoga, I'm not flexible enough." It's really not that surprising to hear, especially now a days where most yoga teachers on social media, share pictures of themselves in very advanced and difficult postures.

However, yoga is so much more than the poses themselves and you don't need to be flexible to practice, rather you gain your flexibility by simply practicing. There are 100's of postures and truth be told, I don't even practice the advanced or difficult ones. I got into yoga initially for pain management, after a couple of car accidents, what I wasn't expecting, after I developed a regular practice, were the mental health benefits! Yoga includes the physical postures to stretch and strengthen your muscles. What is maybe not so widely known is that it's the deep breathing techniques throughout the practice that is the most important part of yoga. This releases tension in the body and at the same time calms the mind.

Yoga to me isn't at all about doing difficult poses, it's about listening to what my body needs and knowing how I will feel by just getting on the mat. And I always feel better after I practice! By simply breathing, stretching and focusing, you are doing yoga. All you have to do actually is just sit comfortably, focus on your breath and that's still yoga! Plus, you are still getting the benefits! You're expanding your lung capacity, allowing for greater oxygen intake, as you breathe deeply, while releasing tension in your body and sending calming signals to your brain. We incorporate the movements and the postures to ensure the energy continues to flow through your body, which helps to open up our energy centers along the spine. We can do so much for our health and wellness, by essentially doing so little.

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Join me online!

Click the Learn More button below for our special holiday promotion! Join me for live group Yoga classes online. With the power of technology, we will get together for a session through live streaming video. Just roll out your mat in the comfort of your own home and simply connect via my unique link address to join the class.

Much love, 