
Reassess Your Intentions

I've never been one to really make New Years resolutions but this past NYE, I sat down to document all the challenges and my accomplishments of 2020. This was part of a journaling exercise that my business mentor asked us to do as a way to end the year by celebrating all our wins, no matter how small or big they were. We also had the opportunity to enter to win some awesome prizes by submitting our responses. There were about 11 chances you could have your name entered in the draw, depending on how many activities you had completed in the final quarter of the year.

I waited until the last possible moment to submit my entries before the deadline at midnight, but I did it with about 20 minutes to spare! When I first sat down to do this exercise, I thought I had only completed a few of the tasks and was determined to submit my entries anyway. However, when I actually went through the process, I had discovered I had done ALL of them except one! I was really hoping to win the grand prize, the whole reason I had submitted the entries in the first place! Just finding out how much I had achieved last year, after believing I hadn't done many of them, turned out to be a prize in itself. Well, late last night I happened upon a video my mentor had made earlier in the evening, announcing the winners. To my total surprise, I came in second place! I won a Kindle including a book! I don't know which one yet, but I'm sure it's a book he recommends that is most likely currently on my wish list!

I've got three different books on the go at the moment and awaiting on another to arrive. One of my intentions for the new year is to read more. I used to read books so much as a kid and I've been wanting to get back into that for a long time.

Now getting back to this NYE resolutions thing, I've never been a fan of them, because any time I had made a big one in the past, I quickly gave up and was left feeling disappointed in myself.

I have decided though to start focusing on my intentions...goals, resolutions, aspirations, whatever word resonates with you best. I ended the year with the intention to submit my entries for the prize giveaway and the hope I would win any of the prizes. In doing that whole process, I realized that is how I'm going to spend every NYE going forward, as it felt amazing to reflect back on all the challenges of the year and all the good that came out of it. It was a hard year to see the good but there definitely was a lot to be grateful for.

The nice thing about setting intentions is that you can make them as little or big as you want. I find starting off by setting smaller intentions, they are easier to do and when you do them it just encourages you to set more and work towards those too. AND they are YOUR intentions, you can update them, edit them or reassess them at any time you want! So if something you set for yourself you aren't doing, then simply take a moment to connect with yourself and ask WHY it is you want this. If you aren't connecting with the WHY, you are bound to give up quickly. Why do you want that goal? What does that give you? If it's not resonating anymore then come up with a different one! Remember to connect with your WHY, embrace it and think about how you would feel once you have it.

Also, let me know what intentions you are setting for yourself, no matter how big or small. I'd love to hear them!

Much love,

After journaling about all the challenges of 2020, I safely burned them! This will be my New Years eve ritual going forward. Powerful process!

After journaling about all the challenges of 2020, I safely burned them! This will be my New Years eve ritual going forward. Powerful process!