vancouver island

To The Sun

Every week the highlight of my day, is when I get on Zoom with my students. It's been amazing connecting with everyone, while sharing our stories. We always have so many great conversations. I've started to share my manifestation stories with you, as what I have been learning and experiencing has been pretty incredible so far! So many people have been asking what I have been doing. I would love to have a small beta group to guide along with me!

If you have something you are dreaming about, let's see what we can manifest together as a collective. Join the waitlist below!


The Journey

I mentioned last month that I decided to shake things up by setting intentions. My first major intention was to learn to love social media, to my complete surprise I accomplished that rather quickly. In the process, I have made so many amazing connections with people around the globe.

If 2020 taught me anything it was that we desperately need connection in our lives, especially now. Being in isolation, really wasn't all that different from my regular life. Except, I used to go to at least one event a week with my friends. Now I am attending virtual events with others around the world and that's pretty awesome too!

I started a weekly meditation session a couple weeks ago with my students, where I share a version of my own daily ritual and we have now gone international with students from different countries!

I only began this particular practice at the beginning of the year and so many wonderful things have been happening in the past 6 weeks! None of which would have happened if I hadn't been making these intentions. It all begins with sitting down and becoming clear on what exactly your heart and soul desires. So I have been declaring those to the universe and excited for what is coming next.

I would like to invite you to my next online 90 minute Saturday Self-Care Workshop February 27th @ 9am PST/11am CST. Register on the link below.

Much love,


7 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health!

There's been some misconceptions I've heard over the years about yoga. The number one comment is, "Oh I can't do yoga, I'm not flexible enough." It's really not that surprising to hear, especially now a days where most yoga teachers on social media, share pictures of themselves in very advanced and difficult postures.

However, yoga is so much more than the poses themselves and you don't need to be flexible to practice, rather you gain your flexibility by simply practicing. There are 100's of postures and truth be told, I don't even practice the advanced or difficult ones. I got into yoga initially for pain management, after a couple of car accidents, what I wasn't expecting, after I developed a regular practice, were the mental health benefits! Yoga includes the physical postures to stretch and strengthen your muscles. What is maybe not so widely known is that it's the deep breathing techniques throughout the practice that is the most important part of yoga. This releases tension in the body and at the same time calms the mind.

Yoga to me isn't at all about doing difficult poses, it's about listening to what my body needs and knowing how I will feel by just getting on the mat. And I always feel better after I practice! By simply breathing, stretching and focusing, you are doing yoga. All you have to do actually is just sit comfortably, focus on your breath and that's still yoga! Plus, you are still getting the benefits! You're expanding your lung capacity, allowing for greater oxygen intake, as you breathe deeply, while releasing tension in your body and sending calming signals to your brain. We incorporate the movements and the postures to ensure the energy continues to flow through your body, which helps to open up our energy centers along the spine. We can do so much for our health and wellness, by essentially doing so little.

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Join me online!

Click the Learn More button below for our special holiday promotion! Join me for live group Yoga classes online. With the power of technology, we will get together for a session through live streaming video. Just roll out your mat in the comfort of your own home and simply connect via my unique link address to join the class.

Much love, 