Written In The Stars

I mentioned earlier this week in the last blog titled "The Light", about the meditation experience I had when I was searching for clarity on how to narrow down my marketing audience. The three words that popped into my head during that meditation, just over a couple months ago, were: Purpose-Driven Souls.
I didn't know what that meant but then those words or variations of them, kept showing up in one way or another, every single day since.

Now going back to two years ago, when I was figuring out what my signature yoga program would be, I was stuck on the fact that yoga is essentially what helped me to overcome my mental health struggles. What I have finally come to realize is that yoga actually helped me discover my PURPOSE! I never knew what I wanted to be when "I grew up", as quite honestly, I didn't even think I would still be alive at this age. Although, yoga was the reason I overcame my mental health issues, yoga also gave me a purpose.

By becoming a teacher, I was able to provide my students with an hour or two a week of calm and relaxation. That made me feel good, that I was able to help them feel good! I had spent the majority of my working life prior to that, teaching and coaching in some way, shape or form.

My Dad recently shared with me that when I was little, I had wanted to be a school teacher. I had no idea, but when I look back over my life, I have been teaching for 27 years! I had brought up something new to me, back in January, called 'Human Design' . I still know very little about it, but my design is to be a teacher, guide or coach...so I was actually meant to be a teacher.

Once the yoga world opened up to me, all these other healing modalities started appearing in my life. I found Mindfulness, Reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique. All of which I continue to use through difficult situations. In fact, all of those including my yoga practice is how I was able to get through these past two crazy years, the last which was mostly spent in isolation. I could have easily fallen into a deep depression during this time, I definitely struggled with it, but I pulled through.

Ever since hearing those words Purpose-Driven Souls, I have made so many connections with others around the world. And the best part is, that I have started coaching others to pursue their passions to follow their purpose! Over these last couple months, I have felt like I am now officially on my proper path. It took me a little bit of time to get here, but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and only at a time when we are ready for it. I am absolutely loving this new part of my business!

I was invited to be a guest speaker in a Facebook group, (the host is based in Hawaii), called "Energized & Empowered Entrepreneurs". This is part of a MASSIVE giveaway of over $8000 in prizes! I will be going live in the group this Friday March 5th @ 1230pm PST. If you are an entrepreneur and would like to have a chance to win one of two amazing prizes, all you need to do is join the group and invite as many other entrepreneurs that you know. The contest runs through next Wednesday March 10th. You will need an official invite into the group, so reply to this email with the name you go by on Facebook so I can invite you in.
