The Light

A couple years ago I began my journey to turn my little yoga biz into an online venture. This started at a time when I was seriously considering quitting teaching altogether, following a number of unfortunate events. I came across an ad that seemed like it was specifically made for me.

Next thing I know I had joined that program! This is where I learned how to design my own signature yoga program. We were encouraged to dig deep into our story about how and why we got into yoga, in order to create a program around that. Although I had initially found yoga for pain management, the benefits I gained for my mental health were why I continued to practice and eventually overcame them. So naturally that's what I built my program around.

Last year as I was learning more about the online biz world, I realized that I needed to narrow down my market audience. I found this rather difficult to figure out, but it started to make more and more sense since mental health is so very broad. I had been meditating a lot on this for months, hoping that eventually I would gain the clarity I needed. I kept thinking over and over about my own journey. What was going on in my life at that time. How I came to find yoga. How it helped with the chronic pain. How I not only started to feel better physically, but how amazing I felt mentally.

Just over two months ago now, as I sat down once again, to do this specific meditation, I put out the intention that this time I was going to gain that clarity! Then three words popped into my head. The guided meditation had barely begun, but I had to get up off my mat to write them down so I didn't forget. I didn't even know what I was going to do with those words or what they even really meant yet. I just knew I was onto something.

After I completed the meditation, I went to bed, still not sure what those words meant. The next day while out on a hike, I was listening to a podcast and a variation of those words were mentioned. Instantly I knew this was a sign from the universe that I was on the right track. Every single day since, those words or a variation of them have been thrown in my face via a book, article, video, podcast or bio - basically anything and everything! I would bet that 6 months ago, if this had happened, I would have taken all that to mean, this was an oversaturated market that doesn't need me in it as well. However, all these signs have only fired me up more. I'll speak more on this in the next blog post!

Registration for the new sessions is open!
Classes start this week:

Tuesdays Relax & Renew 6pm PT/8pm CT
Wednesdays Relax & Renew 9am PT/11am CT
Thursdays HIIT Fit Flow 6pm PT/8pm CT
Sundays Mindfulness Meditation 9am PT/11am CT

You can sign up for our Yoga or Meditation sessions on the link below.

Everyone is loving my new weekly Meditation class, as much as I love guiding it!

Everyone is loving my new weekly Meditation class, as much as I love guiding it!