
Well summer weather came in HOT and has now quickly gone back to “normal” cool, cloudy & rainy spring weather. We got spoiled there for a bit, but the cooler temperatures and rain is needed for the fires on the west coast, so I guess I’ll just need to take out my winter clothes that for the first time ever in my life decided to put away.

I’ve gone camping a couple times already over the last month or so, the first trip my tent got flooded after setting it up and going into town to pick up a few items, on the way back it started raining pretty hard and unfortunately a pool of water made it’s way into my tent. Thankfully, I had kept most of my blankets in a plastic bag so I was able to keep warm overnight. That was the first time I got flooded, so the next trip, I placed my tent on higher ground in case of more rain. It did rain lightly that second time but I stayed dry and warm.

I’ve been out multiple times on my hybrid paddleboard/kayak, really enjoying getting out on the water. This was the best investment I’ve ever made. Will have lots of fun over the next several months for sure! Even kayaked out to Protection Island a week ago. To my surprise, it was only 25 minutes across! Stopped at the pub for a drink and then headed back.

I’ve got some exciting things that I am planning and organizing for this year…more details to be announced!