Happy Spring Equinox! ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒฟ

The spring equinox today is the start of the astrological year, a time to let in more light, life and energy. Think of it as a new chapter, where new chances and opportunities begin. This spring equinox also coincides with the new moon happening tomorrow. New moons are like pressing the reset button, giving us a new beginning and clearing out anything that no longer serves us.

The new moon is a time to ask yourself important questions, like โ€œWhat am I ready to invite in? What seeds or intentions do I want to plant? What do I want to bring into my life?โ€ Itโ€™s the perfect opportunity to set your intentions, visualize your dreams & desires, think about where you are now and where you want to go.

After a very long winter, I am ready to invite in more self-care, clarity and energy. My intention is to continue to work on a big project and see it finally completed this year. I want to bring in more connections, sunshine, fun and adventures. What are you ready for?

This winter I was looking for an indoor activity to start up and got back into creating jewelry, a pandemic project I began a couple years ago. This time I tried something new. Itโ€™s been fun making these and I have a couple other art projects I will be trying soon.

Whoโ€™s ready for spring!? I know I sure am.