Are you still interested in learning about manifestation?

I was never someone who was into making New Years resolutions but last New Years Eve, I sat down to document all the challenges and my accomplishments of 2020. This was part of a journaling exercise that my business mentor asked us to do as a way to end the year by celebrating all our wins, no matter how small or big they were. By noting all the challenges of the year…(and being that it was 2020, there were quite a few), part of the practice was to write down all the good and the bad, then burning the entire journal entry to release it all and start the new year off right.

I've never been a fan of New Years resolutions, because any time I had made one in the past, I quickly gave up and was always left feeling disappointed in myself. At the end of last year, I decided to start focusing on my intentions...goals, resolutions, aspirations, whatever word resonates with you best, with regards to my business goals. As part of the exercise I did last year, I ended up realizing how many goals I had actually completed and even won a prize for participating! After completing that whole process, I declared that is how I'm going to spend every NYE going forward, as it felt amazing to reflect back on all the challenges of the year and all the good that came out of it. It was a hard year to see the good but there definitely was a lot to be grateful for.

The nice thing about setting intentions is that you can make them as little or big as you want. I find starting off by setting smaller intentions, they are easier to do and when you start to accomplish these, it just encourages you to set more and work towards those too. AND they are YOUR intentions, you can update them, change them or reassess them at any time you want! So if something you set for yourself you aren't doing, then simply take a moment to connect with yourself and ask WHY it is you want this. If you are not connecting with the WHY, you are bound to give up quickly. Why do you want that goal? What does having that give you?

If it's not resonating anymore then come up with a different one! Remember to connect with your WHY, embrace it and think about how you would feel once you have it. The more you can envision yourself having that, whatever it is, in your life already, the faster it will help you achieve it. This is one of the most important parts of using the law of attraction to manifest your dream life. This is how I started to manifest many different things into my life over the past year. From winning prizes (multiple times), making new connections, collaborations, relationships, cash, trips, coaching, training and even home renovations!

This past year I set a lot of intentions for both my personal life and my business. These were done in stages, I would set a few, once those started happening, I would then set more. I remember at one point early on, I noticed that I was manifesting things that were not really what I wanted, but very close. It was then that I realized that I needed to be very specific with the intentions I was putting out there. For instance, if I were to state that I wanted to manifest money, the next day I might find a dollar on the street. So I knew I would need to specify how much money I wanted exactly.

What is amazing about how manifestation works is once you start imagining your life the way you dream about living it, the universe does not know the difference between imagination and reality, it just knows the frequency you are vibrating at is different and wants to give you more of the same to keep you in that high vibe energetic state. We all deserve the life we desire, so you can either focus on what you want to happen, envisioning that life is already in it’s existence, really feel what it would be like to have that. What would you be doing? What would you be saying? Or you might spend your energy focusing on all the things you don’t want to happen. What if this doesn’t work? What if I fail? The choice is always yours. Do you want to get excited about the possibility of everything going your way or something better than you imagined? Or do you want to get stuck inside the negative self-talk loop? Our brains are actually wired to go to the negative. By making a conscious effort to focus on how you feel with regards to what you want or don’t want to happen. If it makes you feel good, then do more of that. If it makes you feel bad, why are you choosing to do something that makes you feel that way? That’s why I love using all the different healing modalities that I do because it’s much easier to feel into your body and get out of your head.

I am excited to announce I am co-hosting a New Moon & Manifestation Virtual Retreat on December 4, 2021 at 4pm PST/7pm EST This will be held online via Zoom, so you can join us from anywhere! My co-host, Tabitha Crystal will join in from Ontario and I will be here on the west coast. Together we will guide you through a breathwork session, EFT-tapping sequences, relaxation based yoga class, short meditation and we’ll learn about the new moon rituals for intention setting, all within a 2 hour period. Registration will begin later this week and a follow up email with more details will come then.

Port Renfrew Sunset