Begin To Explore

Thanks to everyone who shared their intentions last week! I thought I would share my current intention - connection! This is something I think we are all really missing right now. I have been making more of an effort to connect with others through social media. I am really not a fan of it, as there can be a lot of negativity but I've been reaching out to others with similar interests and sharing stories. If we are not connected on social media, scroll to the bottom of this email for the links.

I write about whatever I'm inspired to. When I found yoga, so many other doors opened for me. Maybe your calling or interests have nothing to do with yoga. Maybe you practice some times. Or more regularly. I practice daily. My passion just so happened to start there and go that route. The important point is I started doing something I loved and opportunities kept presenting themselves.

For the last couple months, I've started to explore other interests. I have this rule that if I hear about something new 3 times I have to learn about it. I think it stems from my rule, if I hear 3 songs I like from a band, then I have to purchase the album. There have been a number of topics that have been coming up for me recently, so I have been reading and researching them. My newest one is called Human Design. If you have any interest in learning more about yourself or others, I'd look into this.

Much love,

p.s. Check out our updated class schedule page. We can accept credit card payments now for our new class passes!

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