Strange Days

Strange Days indeed. How is everyone holding up? I'm still fighting off whatever it is that I've got...which has stuck around for over 6 weeks now!  On my video Doctors appointment a month ago, I was told that I might have a new virus that lasts up to 6 weeks, but now I'm guessing it's not that mystery virus. During my follow up appointment, I was then told it might be bronchitis or pneumonia.  It seems very hard to be diagnosed when I can't see anyone in person, so the Doctors are just guessing based on my many symptoms! Thankfully some have subsided, except for my throat, lungs and cough. I'm now waiting for a call from the hospital to set up an appointment for chest x-rays. Hoping that will be sooner rather than later and I'll be able to get some answers. 

Every morning I start my day with some yoga, breath-work and meditation. I've been thinking a lot about what is going on around the world. I still feel somewhat in the dark about it because I rarely watch the news.  Something that's better for my own mental health. I wonder how the world will change after this is all over. It feels like it's time for a big change. One that will be better for the planet and everyone around the world. My hope is that everyone is spending the time now to figure out what's most important to them. I know I sure have. 

I started baking again and have been experimenting with a lot of new vegetarian dishes. I was introduced to online grocery shopping last month and I don't think I will ever be shopping in store again. As someone who doesn't like shopping at all, this has been great for me. I've got a fridge and cupboards full of healthy foods, veggies and fruit. I even made myself apple cinnamon waffles today for the first time ever! 

In an attempt to get more sun out on my patio, I started reading out there on sunny afternoons. Well during a week that I had no internet when my modem decided to call it quits, I ended up going out there earlier then usual and since I was running a fever I had no idea what had happened until that evening when I was brushing my teeth before bed and noticed my face. Not to worry, I have a great therapeutic balm that worked miracles so I look normal now. 😉

LL’s Public Service Announcement: Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen!

LL’s Public Service Announcement: Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen!

Veggie Curry Dish

Veggie Curry Dish

Apple Cinnamon Waffles

Apple Cinnamon Waffles